Writers and Readers Fix
Meredith Grant - Writer / Reviewer
Sunday, 24 September 2023
Friday, 26 March 2021
Who inspires you to write, to read, to chase your dreams, to learn new things, to motivate you?
For me, it's often...or always stories I hear, or have read by others that have taken that first step and found their courage to do something that in turn then inspires others to do the same. It's not always the same person, but multiple people who have gone on to do amazing things, accomplished or conquered life time goals by just taking action and saying to themselves I can do this and I will do this.
The first person who comes to my mind when I think of inspiration is Cheryl Strayed, Author of 'Wild.' Ever since having read her memoir, whenever I see something published or read one of her recent Facebook posts, it reminds me of where I want to be and what I want to achieve, and how much she has changed my outlook on life and how impact just one story can make to change your out look on life...the key is to never loose focus.
2021 has reminded me not waste any more time procrastinating on what I want to do and what I want to achieve, and where my goals always fall back to what I love to do and that is WRITING!
By luck, or by chance, I fell across a post on Instagram advertising courses, writing courses...of course! As such, I literally bit the bullet and decided to immediately enrol in this course - the Copywriting Essentials Course - through the Australian Writers Centre, and I'm loving learning this new skill that will take me in so many writing directions if I allow it to...and I will.
To be motivated, to make change you must move forward, and learning new skills I have learnt gives you that push to make the necessary changes, to believe in yourself that you can do it, everyone who's been there tells you the same, we just have to take that first or second or third or latest giant leap of faith for ourselves.
So, my personal endeavour is to become a freelance writer, make a living from my writing, something I love doing to earn an income, to be my own boss, choosing my own pathway and becoming successful at the same time.
Sounds like a plan! Wish me Luck!
Monday, 20 January 2020
Anne Frank
For me, this story will forever resonate as it was a childhood favorite, staying firm in the memory.
I couldn't leave the bookshop without buying my own copy of this children's rendition of her story. The cover is so cute!
About ghostwriting

Monday, 2 December 2019
Feeling of the Day through Quotes
They allow us to resonate with our feelings the instant we read them. We uncannily think it was written for us, it must've been, why else would it suddenly appear at the very time and stage it has just when we're feeling it, living it.
It's also easy to get caught up in quotes we read. It will either make you feel better about yourself or a situation or it will catastrophise it.
I guess we can relate knowing that someone, somewhere has also felt the same intensity; after all they must've to have written it in the first place.
So here's a quote I stumbled across on Instagram, the writer is un-named but nevertheless, this sums up my feelings today.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
It's been a long time
Wow!! It has been a long time...
I can't believe it has been well over twelve months since I last blogged, it goes to show how easily things can slip and how quickly time passes by.
Life has been hectic though!!
One month after I last blogged I started a new position at work, it's been daunting to say the least. Then my youngest started High School, well that's a whole new story of it's own, we also had a new member of the furry kind join our household and now the race is on as to who reigns supreme between the teenager and the cat, I'd say at this stage it's even, although the teenager thinks the cat is more loved and is the favorite child...I'll leave that out for the jury to decide, but I think I'm in trouble.
Mostly though my time has been absorbed studying and today I can boldly say I have successfully completed my studies and I say that with the loudest sigh, could you hear it? I'm now a fully qualified Dispensary Technician within Pharmacy and I have to say I'm quite proud to share this as it has been a long road.
I feel like I've been held hostage over the last seven months of study, consuming an enormous amount of time with my head in the books and now it's back to my writing, and oh how I've missed my writing. I truly have missed just being able to sit and type away like I am now without that thought I should be doing something else.
I've felt so guilty too, as almost twelve months ago I promised a friend I would help write his story. I've found it's not an easy task writing someone else's story. The research part is enlightening, learning things I would otherwise be oblivious to. Some ordinary people do have extraordinary stories to tell. So now as promised I will continue on the path of compiling his story, however I'm feeling I could've bitten off more than I can chew in offering to do so. Without living something yourself, without knowing this person for an extensive period of time all plays into how difficult it is to put words on paper and sound authentic rather than sharing just a dairy log.
I'll keep everyone posted with my ideas and questions of which I would be highly grateful for suggestions from anyone who has ever endeavored to write someone else's story.
Until then, happy days!!
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Over Sixty-Shades of Gray: A Journey Through Life's Later Years

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Here is a contemporary, uplifting look into the years of living sixty and beyond. Delivered with much-needed humor to lighten the load, the reader is successfully transported through the realities of getting older and how to best approach, and cope with, these changes when they arise.
This comprehensive overview will open your mind to matters you may not have already encountered or thought of and where health is placed at the forefront, providing a snapshot into some of life’s more serious challenges we might unluckily be faced with at some time or another. But don’t feel completely disheartened, for it’s not all doom and gloom as you might expect. Yes, health plays a major role in ageing, we all know that, but what about the positive up-side to getting older? And, yes, there seems there is an up-side. Retirement frees oneself up. So what about all that spare time on your hands; what will you do with that now? And how about the finances? Are they all in check? These are the type of questions that will get you thinking and where basic know-how is offered to provide some invaluable forethought. And then there’s the fun part of pre-planning one’s funeral that you might not have already thought about, where author Barbara Paskoff has it all worked out: “I’m making a guest list. If your name isn’t on it, it means I wouldn’t be caught dead with you.”
While each topic lends itself almost as a personal essay through the author’s own experiences, the messages conveyed remain effective, providing enough of an overview for the reader to make their own informed decisions and draw on their own conclusions, supported with both summaries and professional resources neatly tying up each chapter end.
I read through this book with the greatest of interest, particularly because I’m not yet sixty and, with saying that, I believe this book is not just precise for readers of that age group, nor is it gender specific; however, I did find that the book tends to lean a little more towards female interest than male. In fact, readers in their fifties (like myself) would find this book with true appreciation, providing a much-needed and important early insight, where time is the essence and pre-knowledge could hold the key before things sneak-up announced, which might, in fact, give a greater opportunity to overcome or avoid some obstacles otherwise left too late.
This a straight-forward, positive, go-to-guide that offers pre-planning and foresight on entering and living through our later years of life that will become a great resource for reference.
View all my reviews
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