They allow us to resonate with our feelings the instant we read them. We uncannily think it was written for us, it must've been, why else would it suddenly appear at the very time and stage it has just when we're feeling it, living it.
It's also easy to get caught up in quotes we read. It will either make you feel better about yourself or a situation or it will catastrophise it.
I guess we can relate knowing that someone, somewhere has also felt the same intensity; after all they must've to have written it in the first place.
So here's a quote I stumbled across on Instagram, the writer is un-named but nevertheless, this sums up my feelings today.
"How they make you feel
says a lot about them
and nothing about you."
"Trust me when I say
someone who makes you question
if you are worthy of being loved
is not worthy of being loved by you"